What we believe…
The undertaking, duty and purpose of Dunamis Rhema Ministries is to promote the mission of Jesus Christ, according to the Word of God; the commission of Jesus Christ to go and make disciples. The mission of Jesus is to bring salvation to the lost. It is to set the captives free with deliverance. It is to heal the sick and it is to destroy the works of the devil. Dunamis Rhema Ministries will exclusively advance the Christian religion by ministering, speaking, encouraging, teaching, training and leading individual Christ followers, groups of believers and non-believers, as well as other churches into the fullest possible expression of faith in Jesus.
Specifically, we will function as an interdenominational fellowship and ministry working to establish and maintain one or more prayer, worship, training, and speaking ministries that promote faith in Jesus Christ. We also assist other local churches to organize multi-church gatherings that foster unity and interdependence among the churches that proclaim faith in Jesus Christ, while equipping the saints for good works (Ephesians 4:11- 13).
Dunamis Rhema Ministries will undertake setting up outreach events in which will include teaching, speaking, musical worship, performance art, and prayer so that we continue to share the love of Jesus, declaring the gospel and reaching the lost with his salvation. We will implement teams of trained individuals to pray for those who are willing to participate in the response to Dunamis Rhema Ministries’ presentations (Romans 10:17). Dunamis Rhema Ministries will also hold training for individuals to develop their artistic skills to promote Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17).
We plan to minister among the churches, between the churches, and to the public. This organization will focus on connecting, fostering unity among, and working with other churches to reach all parts of society and culture with the love of Jesus Christ. Many of these works will be directed at sections of society and culture that no one church can minister to well, where Dunamis Rhema Ministries can help facilitate cooperation. Though Dunamis Rhema Ministries’ efforts will start in Santa Cruz county, we will pursue opportunities to minister in other urban, suburban and rural areas of the United States and the world (Acts 1:8).
Events and Outreach Program
Dunamis Rhema Ministries seeks to equip the saints with biblical tools that bring healing, deliverance, and salvation through its events and outreach program (Matthew 10:7-8). Through this, Dunamis Rhema Ministries will coordinate regular concerts/events with event teams we have formed. Event teams will coordinate a wide variety of activities including biblical teaching, various forms of art(music, dance, photography, painting, etc), prayer, and connecting event goers with trusted church programs for discipleship. Efforts will be made at these events to connect with local churches, businesses, and community partners for the purpose of creating additional regional cohesion and unifying the various organizations and/or relationships. Thus fulfilling the commandment of Jesus, “A new commandment I give you: Love one another.” (John 13:34)
The income to support this program will be entirely from donations and goodwill offerings from the churches and individual believers who find this ministry helpful in their community.
Music and Creative Arts Program
Dunamis Rhema Ministries targets innovative music and creative arts in the Christian Faith by offering Christ followers new opportunities to experiment and expand their musical and artistic expressions of creativity both in and outside the walls of the churches of Jesus Christ. As Dunamis Rhema Ministries is initially situated in Santa Cruz, the innovative spirit is strong in many new converts to Christ, and we look to fill what many churches are not able to incorporate, by way of new creative ideas into regular worship services.
The Dunamis Rhema (Greek for ‘Power of God and Spoken Word of God’) program facilitates such an opportunity to bring together musicians and artists to practice and conduct inter-church worship gatherings and public events, which incorporate the new styles, forms and expressions of worship, to the praise and glory of Jesus Christ. All such gatherings will be expressions of worship to Jesus Christ, advancing the religion and faith in Christ. Dunamis Rhema Ministries will coordinate with local churches and other interdenominational ministries to create an inclusive invitation to participate in such gatherings.
Dunamis Rhema Ministries is 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.