But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8

Throughout the ages God has displayed his witness and testimony of himself through his power. From the beginning, when God created everything it reads that the Spirit of God hovered over the waters (Genesis 1:1-2). Starting at the beginning and then over and over God proves himself, showing his glory, by mighty works and displays of power. The amazing part is that he uses his creation as vessels to flow through in order to demonstrate his power: Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Jesus, Peter, Philip, Paul, Steven, just to name a few. So then, it should be no different with you and I. This scripture wasn’t written by Luke for God’s children to read and ignore. It is a personal message from God to us for our learning and instruction (Romans 15:4, 2 Timothy 3:16).

The power of God does not come by our flesh, or our carnal acts, it comes from the Holy Spirit. Many times I have failed in my past because I was trying to prove God true, display God’s love to others, or demonstrate his truth by human wisdom and action. This scripture states that this is not how we become his witnesses to our communities and beyond, but rather we receive power through his Spirit and then become his witnesses. I cannot manipulate God’s power to manifest through my actions, even if I have good intentions. The power of God is in the spiritual realm and by faith it is released into the natural world.

The word of God has many examples for direction and understanding how to live a life that allows the Spirit to demonstrate his power through us. It starts with the word always!! Jesus states that the words he gives are Spirit and life (John 6:63), that is where walking in the Spirit all begins. Paul gives clarity by stating to wield the sword of the Spirit which is the word (Ephesians 6:17), it must be spoken as Jesus also taught (see Power of Words-Pt 4), and then believing it shall be done (see Power of Belief).

For a long period of time, I was taught that in order to see people saved we had to preach the gospel. This is good and true, but when I did it under my own guidance and strength my attempts were feeble and weak. I prayed for people and nothing happened in their lives. I shared and there was little to no response. I not only did not understand how to follow the Holy Spirit and allow his power to flow through me, I was completely doing my own thing hoping that God would bless it.

The Gospels and the book of Acts are perfect examples for us to see how to follow the Holy Spirit if we are paying attention. Look what happened to Paul when he first received the Spirit, he struggled in Damascus and Jerusalem before being sent away to Tarsus. He had the knowledge of God but wasn’t yet understanding how to allow God’s power to flow through him. Nearly 18 years later he learned the ways of the Spirit. We can read about it in Acts. He speaks about it to the Corinthians. His message was not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power (1 Corinthians 2:4-5).

The same is true for our lives. I remember the passion and zeal that drove me to share with everyone what the Lord was doing on a daily basis in my life. I was so excited and full of joy that I would nearly run people over in passing by the hallways, work, or in church. It took a while but I learned that it isn’t good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way (Proverbs 19:2 ). I received some lumps from close friends, hurt some people in the process, even though my good intentions were to share the joy that I had in the Lord. Slowly and surely I understood how to be patient and allow the Power of the Spirit to lead, flow, and manifest.

I recall a day when I was driving to work. I had spent my morning in prayer and fellowship with Jesus and had left home early. I wanted to just simply check in with him as I neared work. I asked him aloud, “What do you have in store for me today? Is there something You want to do?”

“Turn left at the stoplight.”

I only had a moment to consider this. I quickly turned into the turn lane, waiting at the red light and began listening in the silence for direction. I wasn’t sure what he wanted to do or what he had waiting for me. The light turned green and I made the turn asking, “What’s next?” A short distance up on the right was a restaurant that caught my eye.

“Park and go inside,” the Lord spoke.

“Ok, I guess I’m having breakfast,” I chuckled. I went inside with my backpack and found the restaurant mostly empty. The waitress said I could sit wherever I wanted so I found the closest table and sat down. She left a menu and some coffee for me then walked away.

“Pull out your Bible,” he whispered. I pulled out my Bible and began reading where I had left off that morning. I thought that maybe he had some new revelation or insight for me that I had missed earlier. A few minutes passed and the waitress returned wide eyed and astonished.

“Are you reading a Bible?” she probed with excitement. She then began to pour out her heart to me about her struggles, her desire for change in her life, and that she knew that God was speaking to her but didn’t know how to respond or what steps to take. Her and I conversed back and forth for quite some time and I was blessed to lead her with scripture that God had placed in front me that day. Better yet, after my meal I was able to bless her and pray for her!!

She was overjoyed that the Lord was present and listening to her requests, that he cared about her enough to put someone in her path. I was in the right place at the right time, only by the power of the Holy Spirit. He set it all up, he had the right words, and he brought the person to receive from Him. It was beautiful!! I went to work fulfilled in knowing that he was going to complete the work that he began (Philippians 1:6) and joyful that I was usable as a witness in the way that he knew best.

You see, we are spiritual beings that can connect with God’s Spirit. We can learn, as many other men and women have in the past, to allow God to flow through us and observe his power change people’s lives. Be a true worshiper that worships the Lord in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24).