Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: the word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.

1 Samuel 3:7

I grew up in Santa Cruz all my life going to church, attending youth groups, and joining leadership teams. I knew the stories of Jesus, the prophets, and others from Sunday school services and sermons. I had a foundation of knowledge. However, I did not know the Lord personally as I do now. I did have a personal relationship with Jesus. I prayed. I attended small group bible study. I went on mission trips. He was my Savior. Yet, there was a lack in my life that I tried to fill with things of this world. All of it failed…miserably.

There was a point during a specific Bible study that my church was doing in which my pastor made a statement, “God is…” I thought to myself all the things that I had been taught about who God is and how I would fill in the statement. God is Love. God is Peace. God is Mighty. God is Provider. God is My Rock. And on and on. I realized that I had knowledge of this character of God but not true experiences. They were all head knowledge but I had not truly, intimately known him.

That morning in church I declared to him, “Lord, I want to know you. I want to be engulfed in you, saturated by you, covered by you, surrounded by you in such a way that there is no other alternative to living life but through You.”

This day and declaration catapulted me into a new, vibrant, and exciting life with Jesus that I never knew. Why? I chose to partner with one of his faithful promises. “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 After that day, I began seeking God through his word. Just as Samuel did not know God until the word of the LORD was revealed to him, I did not know God until He revealed himself to me through his word.

This is the beginning of many life changing events and blessings for me that has had a ripple affect to my family, friends, and community. I encourage you, if you have not dug into God’s word, start today. Do not wait!!! He will reveal himself to you so that you may truly know him.